Equine Safety in Training Project: Consultation Open

Friday, March 17th, 2017

Project to improve skills standards and qualifications

A project is underway to review occupational skills standards and units of competency to improve safety, quality and consistency in the delivery of equine training.

The project Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Expert Working Groups are currently seeking feedback on the content of 156 draft units of competency, including three proposed new units.

The draft units will be available on the Skills Impact website for stakeholder consultation until Friday 31 March.

A series of face-to-face workshops are being arranged for those who would like to provide feedback on the draft units in person. Click here for further details and to register your interest for these free workshops.
• TAS, Hobart (21 March, 10:00am – 12:00pm)
• VIC, Mornington (22 March, 10:00am – 12:30pm)
• WA, Perth (24 March, 10:00am – 12:00pm)
• NSW, Scone (27 March, 3:00pm – 6:00pm)
• SA, Adelaide (28 March, 2:00pm – 5:00pm)
• QLD, Townsville (March, date and time TBA)

The project will impact the ACM Animal Care and Management; AHC Agriculture, Horticulture, and Conservation and Land Management; AMP Australian Meat Processing; and RGR Racing Training Packages.

Click here to register your interest to keep informed of project updates.
Click here to visit the project webpage for more information

Training Package Projects are determined by the Australian Industry Skills Committee (AISC), based on information submitted by the Industry Reference Committee (IRC) in their annual Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work. On behalf of the IRCs, Skills Impact are currently collecting feedback on the draft IRC Skills Forecasts and Proposed Schedules of Work.

Visit the following webpages to provide feedback on draft IRC Skills Forecasts and Proposed Schedules of Work:
Animal Care

About Skills Impact

Skills Impact is an independent, national Skills Service Organisation (SSO) for a diverse range of industries based on grown and renewable resources and their value chains.

Skills Impact provides services to various Industry Reference Committees (IRCs), to develop the skills standards and qualifications for the industries they represent.

Skills Impact:
• Understands the importance of skills development.
• Has in depth knowledge about vocational education and training, skills standards and qualifications.
• Recognises the sustainable and economic value that grown and renewable resources, land-management based industries, and their value chains offer to the Australian economy.

We provide support services to the following IRCs:
• Rural and Related Industries IRC
o Agriculture
o Horticulture, Conservation and Land Management
o Animal Care
• Meat Industry IRC
• Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical IRC
• Racing IRC
• Aquaculture and Wild Catch IRC
• Forest Management and Harvesting IRC
• Timber and Wood Processing IRC
• Timber Building Solutions IRC
• Pulp and Paper Manufacturing IRC

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