Remedial Massage for Horses

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Raymond Bove DRM

Whether a horse has a specific problem or requires loosening up with remedial massage techniques, the overall result can be quite dramatic in improving condition and performance.

The sore back, hip and pelvis problems are most common, as is the tight neck and the horse unable to lead on a certain leg, or refuse movement in certain areas. Stepping short, and being out of balance are common scenarios as well. There are many signs of the horse not being totally happy ……and usually if we think there may be something going on, there is more to it than what we think.

 Horses are big animals requiring deep muscle therapy to release tension and stress built up in muscles, joints, and importantly to relax the nervous system, which in turn affects the way the horse behaves.

Quite often problems or issues concerning horses occur in diagonals. That is, for example, if there is a horse stepping short on the near side, there will often be a weakness in the off side lower back and hind quarter.  This is because the opposing muscles always work harder to make up for any weakness attributed by muscle tension in the affected area. Once there is a problem, tension spreads, like a chain reaction.

Horses get their power from the back end. Tight hamstrings will reduce the power and put more pressure in the hips and surrounding area. As well this puts pressure on the pelvis, the only joint in the horses body that doesn’t move. The coupling joint in the lower back is another common area of stress.

 Before application of any corrective joint release, for example shoulder joint, back or spinal adjustment, rotated pelvis, or resetting joints in the neck to adjust the balance of the skull,  all the muscles, tendons and ligaments are worked thoroughly. This includes myofascial release which plays such a big part in all treatments. Working the fascia, or connective tissue surrounding the muscles and joining everything together, is  necessary for muscles to restore their original shape and have sufficient blood and oxygen in them.

A lot of soft tissue injuries can be remedied with  massage, and stretching. When horses are balanced and freshened up from a good rub down, performance improves as does the recovery rate.

 Whether it be to check for a few tights spots here and there, or a thorough sports massage to prepare for competition, equine massage and muscle release will benefit your horse.

So if you want a smoother ride, to jump with better action, ride endurance or other chosen horse sport phone Ray for an appointment on 0427 647530 or go to



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