Staying grounded these holidays

Thursday, January 8th, 2015

newsAbout 3 inches below the navel is the symbolic energetic centre for Earth Ki, the hara. Building Earth Ki creates a solid foundation from which to progress in Japanese energetic teachings. It is imperative that a solid energetic base exists. To understand its importance, imagine the human body as an energetic triangle, with the base of the triangle playing the supporting role.

The hara contains one’s original energy.Original energy is the Ki that you are born into this world with. It is not a stagnant energy but something that can be built upon to create this necessary solid foundation. The function of the hara is to offer a practitioner the foundation from which to develop Ki.

The Ki that emanates from the Earth is heavy, powerful and grounding. This grounding force offers both physical and mental strength.

The term ‘grounding’ generally indicates that a practitioner interacts in a realistic and practical manner with life. To be grounded is to feel strong, secure and safe as well as physically connected to the environment.

Working on one’s Earth energy connection develops focus and perseverance and stabilizes the mind. Feet become firmly planted on the Earth in a secure and stable stance. This confidence and practicality is reflected in a practitioners dealings with the world.

Developing the Earth Ki connection helps practitioners deal with emotions such as fear, uncertainty and low self-esteem. This Ki will support and ground us when we are stressed or not feeling terribly strong. Solid grounding work with Earth Ki minimises the possibility of cracks appearing in the foundation during the later stages of practise.

Technique to develop Earth Ki

This straightforward technique moves energy, developing and supporting awareness of the Earth – Human link.

Stand in a relaxed, yet conscious manner with your feet spaced hip width apart. Focus your awareness on the centre of the Earth. Experience the pull of the cool, powerful planet. Your body sinks into it without any physical movement actually occurring. Visualise the centre of the Earth in front of you. Intuitively connect to it through your hara.

Breathe slowly and regularly. On the in breath feel the energy of the centre of the Earth entering your hara. Retain this connection as you slowly release the breath. Repeat the in and out breath, connecting with this core Earth Ki, nine times.

Can you perceive the strength you have drawn into your body? Is it steadier, more solid and powerful?

Julie Abrahams –


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