Taking the Reigns on Safety Equine Industry Guide to Safety 2019/20 – Released

Tuesday, August 6th, 2019

Pro-Visual Publishing in conjunction with the Horse Safety Australia and Pony Club Association NSW has proudly released their latest edition of the Augmented Reality (AR) Equine Industry Guide to Safety 2019/20, distributed free of charge Australia wide.

The wall-mountable printed Guide is to be displayed in a place where horse trainers and riders can view it on a daily basis. With injuries occurring more often than not, safety around horses and the correct knowledge on how to handle and behave around them is critical to ones safety and wellbeing.

Together Pro-Visual Publishing and the partnering Associations have carefully selected topics that address issues pertinent to the industry in regards to health and safety, which include:
Planning and Design of Riding & Associated Areas.
Co-ordinating Riding Program with Total Facility.
Induction and Safe Work Procedures.
Supervisor & Instructor Competencies.

As mentioned, the Guide features AR, a digitised feature aimed at enhancing engagement and offers an aspect of interactivity. By simply downloading the free Pro-Vis AR app and scanning over any AR capable content, workers can access further safety information straight to their smart device, for example, videos and PDF files.

“I would like to thank all the sponsors of the Equine Industry Guide to Safety 2019/20. Their support has made it possible for the Guide to be distributed free of charge.”
– John Hutchings, CEO, Pro-Visual Publishing.

Pro-Visual Publishing is the leading specialist in wall-mounted workplace health & safety, food safety & hygiene, and wellbeing information resource guides. Each guide is practical and informative, providing a quick reference point for management and staff. Pro-Visual Publishing’s guides are vital resources to ensure workers return home exactly the way they came to work.

For further information, or to obtain additional copies of the Guide, please call (02) 8272 2611, email marketing@provisual.com.au or visit www.provisual.com.au

For media enquiries or images please contact Deanna Davenport at Pro-Visual Publishing on (02) 8272 2611 or ddavenport@provisual.com.au

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